John Crawford 1813 letter to his family.

[page 1:]

                     U.S. Saline 16th Sept 1813

Dear wife and Children   I have been for about 8
days past closely confined to bed with a fever
but am now on the mend. Capt White and all
his family have also been sick besides a number
of others, which appears to discourage me about
moving, -- I wish you therefor to suspend
any further preparation until you hear from
me.  I hope there has been no sale yet and if
not you must stop it and take good care of
the fifty doll. I sent you by Septon -------
    the gov. has advertised that on the 10th octr.
the Saline will be leased to the highest bidder
(at this place) and I have reason to believe
that Wilkins and Morrison are determined to with-
draw as they have talked strongly of it 4 years
ago and still continue to do so and I know Butler
is fully determined that Taylor shal not be a
partner with him and Taylor is foaming and sets

[page 2:]

out this day or tomorrow as I am informed for Lexington
with a view if he cannot get Wilkins and Morrison to
continue, to try to form another company, and if he should
succeed in that there will be high competition and
consequently great uncertainty who might succeed
in getting the lease, -- these includes the chief of my
reasons for wishing to make no farther preparation untill
you hear from me again and I will write to you immediately
as soon as it is known at present keep all things together
as well as posable --- --- --- --- --- ---
    the truth is I have some doubts as to the propriety
of moving such a family to this place finding it prove
sicklyer than I had expected and the country around
and in Shawanoe and on both sides of the Ohio, it is
still vastly more so there is no doubt in my mind
but this is the helthiest place within 50 mis --
                 from my Constitution and
I feel quite Contious ^ regular manner of living togather
with the precautionary measures I used that if you
had been here there could not one of you have escaped
which is matter of very great concern to me besides
I know there is none of you would have had the fortytude

[page 3:]

                        I did
to have taken the medicine ^ as it appeared to me a 
desperate case as I was situated, I hope however I shall
be well in a few days, I have made out to write this
scrawl at 3 different spells which was much better
or more than I had expected. I have had a violent headache
ever since I was taken which yet continues though
somewhat m(?)uted in the coarse of about 48 hours I have
taken I think not less than 250 drops of Laudenum
                    or slept
and still have rested ^ very little in that time -----
      At present I must desist as I am quite
exhusted when I get better I shall write you again
                    I am your loving Husband
                        and Father John Crawford

[page 4; when folded, the following shows:]

 U. S. Saline                          17
 19th Gipr(?)
         Mrs Martha Crawford
              Near Burksville Cumb.
                   County Ky

[On the back of the folded letter there appears to be a
 small penny-sized circle that was perhaps wax to seal 
 the paper. Unfolded, there are two sets of scribbling 
 which do not look like the original letter. Near the
 edge in black ink is two lines:

 James L. Crawford Jun the 25th 1825

 And in blue ink scattered about the back are columns
 of numbers, some being additions and some being