JOHN CRAWFORD's land in Cumberland County, Kentucky

Map showing the location of JOHN CRAWFORD's land in Cumberland Co., Kentucky

1) (red circle) 200 acres in Irish Bottom, acquired by him in 1799 by virtue of a certificate for settlement [see below Survey Book A Page 84 ]. This land was then sold by his wife and 10 children on Sept 22, 1832 to Micajah S. Hunter [see below Cumberland Co Deed Book H Page 165 ]. It passed on Jan 13, 1834 to Hunter's wife and children upon his death [see Deed Book N Page 137]. They sold it on Sept 12, 1857 to Jefferson M. Potts [see Deed Book O Page 296].

2) (yellow circle) 100 acres along Pine Branch of Crocus Creek; first reference in the Survey index is 10/21/1806, B-211. Also referenced 5/28/1807, B-257; 7/2/1819, A554; 10/10/1844, B-386 [see below Survey Book B Page 386 ]; 4/11/1848, B-413

3) (orange circle) 1/4 acre in Burkeville, bought by Francis Emerson, John Crawford, and Peyton Harrison on Dec 30, 1811 from James W. Taylor and his wife [see below Cumberland Co Deed Book B Page 182 ].


From the Cumberland County Survey Book A page 84

[in left margin:]

  Oct 20th

[in main body on right:]
John Crawford, as. of Joseph McCormick, as. of John Wright 
where 200 acre of second rate land, by virtue of a certificate 
for settlement No. 1151. In Green County. Lying on the 
south side of Cumberland river. Beginning at a beech tree mar-
ked J.W. running thence up the river, binding therein; thence 
off from the river and off from the beginning for quantity 
including his improvement.

From the Cumberland County Deeds Book H page 165:

   This indenture made this 22nd day of September in 
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two
Between Martha Crawford, John Thomas & Hetty Thomas his wife, 
and Zillah Crawford, Polly Crawford, James L. Crawford and 
Eliza Crawford of the County of Cumberland & State of Kentucky 
and George Crawford, John E. Crawford, William Reid and 
Peggy Reid Joseph Chambers and Nancy Chambers & John M. 
Savage and Cynthia Savage of the County of Cooper and 
State of Missouri of the one part and Micajah S. Hunter 
of the County of Cumberland and State of Kentucky aforesaid 
of the other part. Witnesseth. That the said Martha Crawford 
and all the others above named of the first part for due con-
sideration of the sum of one thousand dollars to us in ?? ?? 
the receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge have granted, bargained 
and sold, and by these presents do grant bargain and sell 
unto the said Micajah S. Hunter, his heirs and assigns 
forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being 
in Cumberland County and State of Kentucky aforesaid 
in the Irish Bottom on Cumberland River bounded 
as follows towit "Beginning at a beech tree marked J.W.
standing on the bank of the river running thence up the river 
binding therein North 7 1/2 West 179 poles crossing a branch 
of a hickory and then on the bank of the river thence N 82 1/2 
East 179 poles to two small beeches thence south 7 1/2 E 179 poles 
to two small beeches thence south 7 1/2 East 179 poles two beeches
(killed??) thence south eighty two and an half West 179 poles to 
the Beginning" Containing two hundred acres be the same 
more or less, with its appurtenances, to have and to hold 
the said, bargained and sold premises to him the said Micajah 
S. Hunter his heirs and assigns forever and we the above 
named, of the first part do covenent and agree with 
the said Micajah S Hunter and his heirs and assigns 
to warrant and defend the said bargained and sold 
premises to him the said Micajah S. Hunter from the 
claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever. 
In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands 
and affixed our seals this day and year first above.
  Written signed sealed &               Martha x Crawford    (seal)
  acknowledged in presence of                 mark
    Rane Staton                         John Thomas          (seal)
    Robt Reid                           Hetty Thomas         (seal)
                                        Zillah Crawford      (seal)
                                        Polly Crawford       (seal)
                                        James L Crawford     (seal)
                                        Eliza Crawford       (seal)
                                        George Crawford      (seal)
   George Crawford attorney in fact for William Reid         (seal)
                                        Margaret Reid        (seal)
                                        Joseph Chambers      (seal)
                                        Nancy Chambers       (seal)
                                        John W. Savage       (seal)
                                        Cynthia Savage       (seal)
                                        John E Crawford      (seal)
   Kentucky Cumberland County ??
   I.M. King Clerk of the Cumberland County Court do hereby 
certify that the within deed of Conveyance from John Thomas &
Ketty Thomas his wife, & Marth Crawford, Zillah Crawford, Polly 
Crawford, James L Crawford, Eliza Crawford, George Crawford 
and the said Geo Crawford, atto. in fact for Wm Reid, Margaret Reid 
Jos Chambers, Nancy Chambers, John W. Savage, Cynthia Savage 
Jme E Crawford to Micajah S Hunter was proven before me 
by xxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxx 2nd October 1833 and by 
Robert Reid 9th September 1833. I ordered to record, and the same 
is timely entered of record in my said office in deed book H page 165
   Given ?? my hand this 23rd day of November 
1833                                                    M King

From the Cumberland County Survey Book B page 386

[in left margin:]

  $5, 39 2/3

[in main body on right:]

According to an order of the Cumberland Circuit Court 
April Fourth 1844. Mary Hopkins Plaintiff and Betsy 
Keeton, Defendent, I proceeded on the 10th of October 1844 
in company with Ewen Keeton, who produced a plan(?) 
cut in the name of John Crawford for 100 acres, bearing 
date the 5th day of January 1815, surveyed October 21st 1806 
to lay off the land in displute, in the following manner 
viz: I commenced 20 poles due north from the beginning 
corner of a Hopkins' 400 acre survey, no corner stand-
ing, but said to be the beginning corner of said survey; 
thence N. 42 degrees W 100 poles to an elm. From this line 60 
poles to an elm which down and said by William 
Ketchen, who was one of the original chainmen, to be the 
corner. The tree is somewhat decayed, but I think I distin-
ctly saw axe marks on it; thence 
N. 81 degrees W. 45 poles to a beech, not found, 
the land being cleared; thence N. 60 degrees 
W. 84 poles to a white walnut, which 
is down and partly decayed, I sup-
posed it to be the corner in asmuch       
as my course and distance took me 
to it, the balance of the lines I platted 
by the consent of Keeton. The solid lines 
represent the Crawford 100 acre survey, 
and the dotted lines Arthur Hopkins 400 
acres. The triangle A. F. G., is 28 acres contained 
in Hopkins' Patent [] represents Keeton's house.
William Fletcher,
Josiah Ward,     } C.C.           J. M. Baker, S.C.C.

    ?? ?? and duly sworn

From the Cumberland County Deeds Book B page 182:

[Note, Peytan Harrison & wife sold 350 acres where he lived North of 
Cumberland River to Francis Emerson in 1811. Francis Emerson esq. 
proprietor of Burkesville sold several properties in 1816 & later.]

 [in left margin:]
 deed delivered to Judge John Crawford
 on the 13th day of January 1813
     ??? Milton King D??

 [in main body on right:]

   This Indenture made entered into this 30th day of
December 1811 between James W. Taylor & Phebo 
Taylor his wife of the county of Cumberland and state of 
Kentucky of the one part and Francis Emerson John 
Crawford and Peyton Harrison all of the County and 
State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the aforesaid 
James W. Taylor and Phebo his wife for a full consideration 
to them in hand paid by the aforesaid Francis John & 
Peyton the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have 
bargained sold aligned and confirmed and by their 
presents they do bargain sell align and confirm unto the aforesaid 
Francis Emerson John Crawford and Peyton Harrison thus their 
heirs and assigns forever a Certain tract or parcel of land situated 
lying and being in the County of Cumberland and State aforesaid 
& lying within the boundary of the town of Burkeville and 
whereon part of this building of the Rope walk near Burkeville now 
stand it being part of lot No 146 in the plan of said Town of 
Burkeville and part of a fractional lot thereunto adjoinging on 
the upper a N. & East side of the aforesaid lot. Beginning at the 
S.W. corner of lot No 146 at the point of Junction between main 
Cross Street in the plan of the aforesaid Town and the lower 
Street upon the river known in the Trustees Establishment 
and name of Streets in the aforesaid Town by Water Street 
Thence N. 57 W. 4 poles to a stake Thence at right angles 
13 po. and five feet to the line of ?? as the town 
boundary thence S 30 E. along the said line of Town Boundary 
4 poles and 13 feet thence to the beginning containing one quarter 
of an acre ??? eight poles together with all the appurtenences 
thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and 
to hold the aforesaid land unto the said Francis Emerson 
John Crawford and Peyton Harrison their heirs and assigns 
forever free from the claim or claims of the aforesaid James W 
Taylor and Phebo his wife their heirs and assigns forever and 
also the said James W Taylor the aforesaid promises unto the 
parties aforesaid their heirs and assigns doth forever warrant 
and defend against the claim or claims of all and every person 
whatever. In testimony of which the said James W Taylor and 
Phebo his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals this day 
and date above written.                 James W. Taylor  (seal)
                                        Phebe Taylor (seal)